What People Say About Us....

Have you ever listened to someone play and you instantly you go to a certain time and place? Rick and Marilyn do this. They are folk singers that bring you along with them to a place of social change and folk songs. Their songs are timeless in a way that they seem just as relevant today. Their chemistry is amazing. Check them out if you get a chance! Kara Keeler, Photographer

What an easy welcoming sound these two artists share with their audience... Carol R.

Loving your new LP.... Gee McGee

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Hot, Hot, Hot

 Although it feels like we have been baking for longer than a whole summer, lol, we are actually only a month into it. Rick and Marilyn have mostly outside gigs, during the day, and it has really been a test of physical strength most days. But... Water, Rest, Lots of VEGGIES and adequate rest is getting us through. Ok, I eat lots of veggies, Rick eats what he must, LOL. 

We have a bunch more shows coming up and booking more each week. If you have an idea for a place to have a show, we really are happy to find out if they will have us. We are thinking to work all winter too, though not outside, right?

Hope you can see us soon. Click that word 'Shows' at the end of the list above and pick a couple to come to!!! We think you will be happy!!!

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