What People Say About Us....

Have you ever listened to someone play and you instantly you go to a certain time and place? Rick and Marilyn do this. They are folk singers that bring you along with them to a place of social change and folk songs. Their songs are timeless in a way that they seem just as relevant today. Their chemistry is amazing. Check them out if you get a chance! Kara Keeler, Photographer

What an easy welcoming sound these two artists share with their audience... Carol R.

Loving your new LP.... Gee McGee

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Rick and Marilyn with Bugs LIVESTREAM!

SATURDAY at 4pm est
Rick and Marilyn + their guitar slinging friend Bugs, play Neil Young in benefit for Hope for Miracles!

Hi!  We hope this finds you well!  We want to invite you to a special on-line event this Saturday, at 4-6pm est. We will put the links below. Let me tell you a little bit about the history, and maybe you will come and join us, right at your computer (ok, push the stream to your TV, we should look and sound a little better up there!)

Many years ago, Dave and Jean, WAY up in the Adirondacks, bought a piece of property they named "Cripple Creek", right on the Ausable River. As they developed this little bit of heaven into a sharable space, they came up with an idea to host a yearly Neil Young oriented weekend. ARF (Adirondack Rust Fest) was born!

The parties attracted a bunch of Rusties (Neil Young Fans) from the Northeast USA and Canada, who remain good friends to this day. However, over the years, things change and morph and now Dave and Jean run a pub, 20 Main, in Jay, NY. For several years, Rick and Marilyn have played Neil Young songs at the pub on the second weekend in August... what has still been the ARF weekend all these years.

And now, Pandemic Time. This year we were going to do the Neil Young tribute as a backdrop to a benefit for Hope for Miracles, a group local to Dave, Jean and 20 Main, that raises money for childhood cancers (as a tribute to the child, Karson, who has suffered Neuroblastoma for most of his life). We worried about having too many people in a small space (Darn COVID) and Dave decided he could not do it this year. For the first time, I think, since it began, ARF in ALL forms was canceled!!!!

NO!  As you know, we have been streaming weekly from my house most of the pandemic. We offered to do that  for ARF, and Dave, Jean, and Hope for Miracles agreed!!! And... it will be live-streamed at the links below, where you will also find links to Hope for Miracles. We are SO excited to continue this event and be able to bring it now to so many different folks!!! I understand the live stream will be on view in 20 Main, as well as in my backyard and on YOUR computer.

Best of all, our friend Rusted Bugs will bring his guitar and give some of his versions of Neil Young songs. The last set of the day will be all three of us, along with our friend Peter Tenerowicz on drums!! I promise, it will




Click on links below for live stream

Rick and Marilyn, Rusted Bugs, and Peter Tenerowicz

Saturday, August 8, 2020

(Click your preference-if one doesn't work, try another!)


YouTube Live

YouTube MarilynMiller

Marilyn's Website


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